Monday, September 27, 2010

Been one of those weeks....

So. Monday. Last Monday to be exact.
I'm in this group called Sketchy Business here, it's a gorup that gets together and writes skits, puts together a show, and performs about once a month. We meet Mondays and Wednesdays. I'm no actor, so I write for them. My friends run it so I figured I'd go a help out. I'm directing a couple scenes for the show this coming Wednesday which involve music that I cut on my computer. I play this on Monday for the rehearsal, close my computer and when I get back to my room my monitor won't turn on. Turns out the backlight blew or something and you can't see anything. Now this isn't the first time this has happened, though it was with another computer.
So I'm without my computer now. I go to Campus Computing in theonly time I have free Tues. while they're open and leave my computer there. I get a call later saying it's the backlight and that I can come pick it up tomorrow.
I pick it up Wednesday morning. they guys basically tells me it could be this, this, or this, but he's not sure. All I'm thinking is did you even open it up to see what might be wrong? Doesn't seem like it. However at this point there's some silver lining in that I do have a credit with the school and I went to see if i could use that for a new computer because that one has had numerous things go wrong with it prior. So that's good news. I'm still without a computer, but things are looking up because I can get a new one.
Thursday, things went alright until the end of crew when I burned my thumb and middle finger on my left hand on a gobo. It was pretty bad. I went to dinner and then came back early for night crew. I was fussing with the same gobo because it was square, but needed to be round. It had a little thing in it to like cut/peel off to make it round, but mind you gobos are pieces of metal. cutting makes for sharp edges. I was putting it in the frame and it was getting stuck and wouldn't go in all the way so I grasp the edge of the frame with my thumb and forefinger of my left hand and pull the gobo out. Remember the sharp edges? They went pretty deep into my forefinger and it bled for a long while. This was half an hour before crew started, and I was leading this night shop as it was the focus day for lights. Needless to say that was an interesting time of me being quite absent minded and walking around like ET with my finger in the air to stop the bleeding. [By this time my finger was wrapped in gauze and a bandaid with tape to keep it on. Now no adults are really around because this is in the student run theatre, and I didn't go find anyone because I know my first aid, plus if I told/showed Heather it would mean a hospital trip and most likely completely unnecessary stitches. I didn't get stitches for when I drove a chisel into my hand my sophomore year of high school. This wasn't as bad as that.
Friday comes around and I get my paycheck as well as the credit check from the school. The mail at school has already gone through so I stop by to cancel my drum lesson [because it's hard to hold drumsticks properly when you have a finger that you have to be careful about not bending a certain way so the cut heals together] and then head to the post office in town. I pay $18.30 to get the checks home the next day so I can get the money and get the computer that weekend. Come to find out even with all the plans running through my mind knowing the bank is closed Saturday that it won't really be possible and that I basically spent $20 for nothing.
Saturday was just me being frustrated over the whole week during morning crew painting the floor and I don't hardly remember the rest of the day save going to the show that night and then the Hookah bar afterward. [I'm not a smoker, so I sat there while most everyone else did. Still had a great time.]
Sunday went to church, then lunch. It was a much better day because we had figured out that i could transfer the amount I needed from my mom's account into mine because she had enough even with the check not clearing to get the computer. So I did that and found a ride to Best buy and bought myself a brand new Toshiba laptop. Millions of times better than my old Compaq. [Not an old computer really, I'd only had it for over a year and a half but with all the issues I'd had with it, it wasn't worth it anymore.]

So a hell of a week. Now this week starts tech for the show I'm designing so that should be interesting. The director and others are making ridiculous requests of the other designers and it's frustrating me to no end, and I don't even get any of it because there's nothing special for lights in this show. They want to add in a hanging bookshelf instead of a table with a lamp. The walls we put up are not structural. They can't handle a bookshelf hanging on them--even with only one book. The facing ins only a quarter inch thick. It's RIDICULOUS. And they've asked to change the legs of the bed for the third time. And by how much this time? An inch. REALLY? Is that really going to make any difference at all?.

UGH. People can be frustrating. Life can be frustrating.
Things are going better now in general for me. The slice has pretty much sealed back together, I've stopped putting the butterfly closures on it. [My first aid kit for some reason had them and that's what my school nurse put on the chisel wound and it worked wonderfully. I was super excited when I saw them.] My new computer is wonderful. Bigger screen than before and I literally cried because it made NO NOISE when I turned it on. I thought it hadn't turned on. My other one was so loud it was terribly embarrassing.

Anyway, it's almost 1:30, I should probably go to bed and stop ranting on and on about all the shit that's been going on this past week and that will be going on. It's really not all that bad--last week was just a terrible exception.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Helloooo out thereee....

Why hello.

It's only been like a year since I've even looked at this thing....okay not quite, but pretty damn close. A few updates? Why sure go ahead.
I've finished my first year and a half of college. I'm currently in my second sophomore semester. I'm a theatre major in a 3 year-2 summer program so the six weeks this summer counted as my first sophomore semester. I'm in the middle of designing the lights for the first show in the student run theatre--we open in two weeks or so. Jared? Yeah, still absolutely adore him, and he's now in his first year at school. He got a full ride to his college for all 5 years that he'll be there [He's getting his Masters in Vocal performance and Music Ed.] So I won't see him for a while, but worked with him when I got home this summer and had a wonderful time. Nano? Nope. That I don't even remember. Things go so far away from me I don't even know.

So things have been going pretty well in general. School is AWESOME. The administration drives me bonkers for the most part, but the theatre faculty is worth staying for--I love them all and couldn't imagine school without them. With fewer tech majors coming in and few in the class above me, our class of 7 or-so techs will have dominance over the department come next year--I'm really hoping for a design job in the Playhouse next season--definitely looking for one at Okoboji this summer. I've made just wonderful friends, whom I don't know what I'll do without when I graduate. Will terribly miss them and I know that already. One in particular is like my other half--Kim. I've even made friends with her friend from home whom I've never actually met. I'm almost closer to her than some of my own friends back home. Glad to say we are getting to meet since I'll be spending Thanksgiving at Kim's house since I can't afford to fly back home.

As for Nano [coming up in a month and a half or so] I've just started looking back at the website and came up with a wonderful idea--at least one I enjoy right now. Incorporating my love of male characters [I only really roleplay male characters, don't really know why] and them being very intelligent, with my love [albeit lack of knowledge] of history.
It will be starring Dr. Austin James Wilder who's 32 years old and was orphaned at 6. He's a genealogist and works in the special collections department at the University of Vermont. Despite being on of the best in his trade--Austin cannot track down his own family. He has no other relatives alive that he knows of. The only ones he knows of are dead. No matter what he tries he always hits a dead end in his research. So of course, the day the book starts is the day that all changes. As I remember reading somewhere [i think--maybe I just came up with this all my own--probably not] "A book is the day that something spectacular happens to the main character." Now that's in quotes, but it's my wording and such since I don't know if I read it somewhere or not. And day is a broad term--a book encompasses the time of this spectacular event. Your characters go on living normal lives, but no one wants to read about that. The extraordinary days are what get written about.

Anyway, It's fairly late [okay only 9:50] but it's still late enough for me to ramble, so I apologize.
I'll break this off for now. I doubt anyone is paying attention to this anymore, if anyone was to begin with. So Hello out there if you see this, and comment if you do--even just to say Hi back. =3
