Monday, May 11, 2009

Expo Research Paper

So we've got this huge end of the year research paper to write in "Advanced Expository Writing" (Expo). It's got to end up being like 14 pages or something, I hardly write 3 page papers on average. I'm hoping I have enough to talk about on the aspect of epidemics/pandemics and human reaction to them. It should be really interesting. I've got 5 different books at the moment to look over about past epidemics. I just looked up the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic, and go figure a pandemic is worse. Doesn't sound it to me, but it is. Epidemic is like when something has more cases than you expect, but not a bunch bunch more. Pandemic refers to it affecting TONS of people and being more widespread than an epidemic. So this swine flu (H1N1, whatever) is a pandemic, not an epidemic at this point I believe. (Lawl, doesn't H1N1 just make you think Hinee, like butt. Someone pointed that out to me last week.)

So, I get to come up with an argumentative 14 page research paper. I can't pick out a thesis to save my life, let alone write one--and I failed the first quarter this semester, the first time I've ever failed a class, so I have to get everything in and good so I can average that out to something more reasonable. Oh, and not to mention I've got three other papers to do for this class--not having them done and missing drafts of things is why I failed. I'm so sick of writing papers it's not even funny. I'm totally fading, I mean come on, we've got like 19 more days left of school until graduation, and less than that for senior's last day. I'm feeling completely done with everything--Expo is my only class--really--that isn't a 'senior' class. It's got both seniors and juniors in it. (I've got two other all high-school classes, but PE and Chorus aren't academic, really...I can't quite do a fade out there when we aren't doing much to begin with.)

I just hope I can squeeze a good thesis out and find lots of good information to fill up at least 10 pages, preferably around 13-14....Oh and one of the mares up at Allenwood is due to have a foal very soon. Hopefully Sarah will remember to call me this time, and I can be there. My guess for day, time, gender, color is up on the board there--May 23rd, 2am-4am, Brown, Colt. I'm super excited, 'cause I missed Buck's birth about three years ago. I'm really hoping I can be around for this little one.

Friday, May 8, 2009


So our teacher has been away at the All State Music Festival for the past two days and we've had a sub for our chorus class. Andrea, our teacher, made sure I knew what she was going to have us do in case the sub was confused. Well, we had a sub that refused to listen to the class and she just went on and almost completely ignored the sub plans. Our class is extremely confrontational. They refuse to do anything any sub says really, unless it's like Arthur--a retired music teacher we've had come in. This sub just got I'll deal with it, but I absolutely could not stand this woman. She was very rude to us--though our class was rude to her as well--as a whole. When we get back in class on Tuesday with Andrea, she's gonna be really pissed because we didn't really work on the music (the altos I think worked the most--at least we worked some, I don't know about the sopranos 'cause they were in another room) and our concert is in a few weeks, and we've only got like 6 rehearsals left before it and we hardly know one of the songs at all. I mean we can sing it, but it's complete crap.
