I'm off to a rolling start! At least 1700 more words than my last NaNo attempt which admittedly was in the middle of November or slightly after is started and only got like 300 words... I'm currently up and running at 2107 words.
Here's a small random tidbit that helped me get to those words, an excerpt in other words. :)
Though not a particularly relevant/good/long/etc.. one....
"Well that's why I don't teach history. I couldn't stand the thought of the subject. No, I'm an English teacher. One of the best, I like to think. My students certainly enjoy my class. I'm regarded as the cool teacher, everyone requests me which is a pity because I only like to have about 15 people tops in my classes. I teach any number of English courses you can imagine, even one that only lasted two months and met every other night that focused on National Novel Writing Month. We spent half a month sort-of laying out a guide for the student's novels and then spent the whole month focusing on pounding out word counts, finally we spent the last two weeks looking over each others' and having a laugh and talking about revising stories. That's beside the point, however--You should know I simply teach English at the school and am probably the most popular teacher at the college...."
Hope there's at least someone out there enjoying this. 8D
Goodnight for now and hopefully I'll remember to post another update on things tomorrow...
Here's a small random tidbit that helped me get to those words, an excerpt in other words. :)
Though not a particularly relevant/good/long/etc.. one....
"Well that's why I don't teach history. I couldn't stand the thought of the subject. No, I'm an English teacher. One of the best, I like to think. My students certainly enjoy my class. I'm regarded as the cool teacher, everyone requests me which is a pity because I only like to have about 15 people tops in my classes. I teach any number of English courses you can imagine, even one that only lasted two months and met every other night that focused on National Novel Writing Month. We spent half a month sort-of laying out a guide for the student's novels and then spent the whole month focusing on pounding out word counts, finally we spent the last two weeks looking over each others' and having a laugh and talking about revising stories. That's beside the point, however--You should know I simply teach English at the school and am probably the most popular teacher at the college...."
Hope there's at least someone out there enjoying this. 8D
Goodnight for now and hopefully I'll remember to post another update on things tomorrow...
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